
How to Find a Good & Proper Niche For Your Blog ?

Before starting today’s article I feel a need to tell you the exact meaning of the word “niche”. Technically speaking, niche means topic or subject. So, in this article, I am going to explain to you how to find a good topic for your blog. If you want to start a blog and you’re confused about which topic(niche) you want to create a blog on, then read this article till the end I’m sure you will like it and will help you a lot to select a proper niche. Let’s start :

How to Find a Good & Proper Niche For Your Blog


The first thing you should ask yourself before selecting a niche, is do you have interested in it? I’ve seen a lot of blogs becoming dead after a few months. This is because of a lack of interest in blogs. If you’re an interested niche then only your blog can survive in this tough competition.

Now, take a copy and start writing your interested topics to create a blog on. If you do not have any interesting topic then I recommend you quit the idea of blogging.

Knowledge & skills

I feel that knowledge is the second factor to choose a topic for your blog. After you have selected several topics on the basis of interest, now select out those topics in which you have maximum knowledge and skills. Knowledge without interest will lead you nowhere, and your blog will definitely fail after some time if you lack interest in it.

Ok, till now I think you’ve created an idea for some topics. I’ll clear it out completely in my next point.

Do consider competition

While selecting a good niche topic for your blog, keep in mind one thing do you have fresh content? How to check it? Go to and type your niche keyword and you will get a lot of similar blogs, read them, not all but a few. This will give you an idea that the knowledge you want to share with others is fresh or has already been discussed so many times. After analyzing ask yourself, can you bear the business? If yes, then start blogging, if not then it’s good to change the niche topic.

I hope my above told three points will help you a lot to choose a good niche topic for your blog. If you like this article, then I am waiting for your comments and feedback

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